14:30 PM

ARIE Fund project pushing for an authentic real-world approach.

McKeil School of Business professor Lisa Pegg is investigating how to integrate case-scenario and case-simulation teaching in Ontario Graduate Certificate programs. McKeil School of Business professor Lisa Cuncic-Pegg is investigating how to integrate case-scenario and case-simulation teaching in Ontario Graduate Certificate programs.

Real-world thinking requires real-world teaching- and McKeil School of Business professor Lisa Cuncic-Pegg is on the job to make it happen.

Cuncic-Pegg has been awarded funding from the Applied Research and Innovation in Education (ARIE) Fund to investigate how to integrate case-simulation and case-scenario teaching in Ontario Graduate Certificate programs.

Her ARIE project will explore the implementation of the case-simulation and case-scenario teaching and learning methodology within one of Mohawk’s post-graduate certificate programs. These teaching methods support an authentic, real-world approach to developing professional skills and promote a strong connection with industry partners.

This project will support the adoption of case-simulation and case-scenario teaching in other graduate certificate programs and will develop support materials to facilitate further implementation of this teaching strategy.