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Mohawk This Week (Nov. 1 - Nov. 7)

Wednesday, Nov. 3: Take Our Kids to Work Day at Mohawk College. The program is designed to give grade 9 students a chance to explore their future, connect school with the world of work, and allows you to play an important role in the career development of these youth. The students will "shadow" their host through a day at work after a Mohawk College morning orientation at the Fennell Campus.

Saturday, Nov. 6: Steeltown Friends of Mohawk Music and students in the Mohawk Music Club present Soundscapes gala concert at 8 p.m. in the McIntyre Theatre at the Fennell Campus. The 11th annual concert raises money for scholarships, instruments and master classes. Also on the bill for Soundscapes are Bob Hamper’s Mohawk College Jazz Choir, plus jazz vocalist Heather Bambrick, backed by guitarist Kim Ratcliffe, trumpeter Mike Malone, trombonist Dave McMurdo, reedmen Terry Basom and Darcy Hepner, bassist Pat Collins and drummer Ted Warren. Tickets to Soundscapes are $25 and $15 for students and can be purchased online at www.sfmmusic.ca or by calling 905.575.2740.

Mark Your Calendar

Thursday, Nov. 18: Mohawk welcomes the Hon. John Milloy, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities to the Grand opening of the Mohawk Centre for Entrepreneurship, Learning and Innovation at the Fennell Campus. The centre was made possible by $20 million from the Ontario government and a $4 million donation from the late Harold Cummings. All students, alumni, staff and retirees are invited.

Saturday, Nov. 27: The annual Mohawk College Children's Holiday Party takes place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the cafeteria and C-Wing atrium at the Fennell Campus. The party, for children and grandchildren of Mohawk staff and retirees, will feature games and crafts by students in Mohawk's Recreation and Leisure Services program, as well as entertainment, lunch and a guest appearance by Santa. Online registration starts Monday.

Tuesday, Nov. 30: Student and Donor Celebration from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Liuna Station. The celebration brings students who received scholarships and bursaries in 2009-2010 together with donors who invested in their education.

Saturday, Dec. 4: The Mohawk Students' Association, Mohawk Alumni Association and Mohawk College Association of Continuing Education Students host a "Photos with Santa" event for the children of students and alumni.