11:45 AM

Check out "The Shoe Project" display across from the Book Store in C Wing (downstairs)

Started by Canadian novelist Katherine Govier  for the Bata Shoe Museum, “The Shoe Project” allows women to tell their stories through the shoes they were wearing at specific times in their lives. Eight of the shoes are on display in the glass cabinets across from the Books Store in the basement of C Wing at the Fennell Campus. The display will be up until the end of next week (Friday, March 22). Started by Canadian novelist Katherine Govier for the Bata Shoe Museum, “The Shoe Project” allows women to tell their stories through the shoes they were wearing at specific times in their lives. Eight of the shoes are on display in the glass cabinets across from the Books Store in the basement of C Wing at the Fennell Campus. The display will be up until the end of next week (Friday, March 22).