09:26 AM

Rising star

Former MEDIC intern, Riya Karumanchi to given keynote address at Catalyst Canada Honours Conference

Congratulations to Riya Karumanchi. In 2017, Riya was as intern with MEDIC (Mobile and Electronic Health Development and Innovation Centre) at Mohawk College. Only 14 at the time, Riya used her MEDIC experience to work on a smart cane she invented for the blind and visually impaired. The cane would vibrate to warn users about objects in their path.

Now 16, Riya has accomplished far more than many can imagine. She founded hashtag#SmartCane, and her cane is now equipped with a GPS and proximity sensors to help the visually impaired. Riya’s creation has generated a lot of interest and excitement - so much that it received funding, in-kind services, and cloud sources from companies, including Microsoft.

On Monday, Nov. 4, 2019, Riya will present a keynote at the 10th annual Catalyst Canada Honours Conference, focused on the Future@Work. Riya's speech will focus on the potential for technology to make society more equitable.

For more information on Riya’s story, visit: https://bit.ly/34mZfa0